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For the trade mark (service mark)No. 770547


Title owner: Mayya A. Gordeeva, 192241, Saint-Petersburg, (RU)

Application no. 2020708207

Trade mark priority February 20, 2020

Registered in the state register of trademarks and service marks of the Russian Federation on August 7, 2020

The registration validity expires on February 20, 2030.

Head of the federal service for intellectual property



 /signature/ G.P. Ivliev

Mayya Gordeeva is a founder and director of the project MAYYA GORDEEVA СHIROLOGY CENTER.  Professional hirologist, expert of the system of natural career guidance for staff and managers of small and medium-sized businesses on lines and signs on their hands. Ph.D. in economics, associate professor. Certified psychologist with diploma.My dear clients, current and future ones!

My name is Mayya Gordeeva. My way to сhirology was a long journey. I’ll tell you everything from the very beginning...

I was grown in a well-being family, then I successfully graduated from the higher educational institution, and was working for a long time as a teacher at the University of Economics, I got an academic degree in economics (PH.D. in economics), I even planned to become a doctor of science. However, I made up my mind one day that I am not doing my business, while I am doing it well. When I was searching of the “inner self”, I came to the study of hirology and psychology. My decision was not spontaneous. It was consistent and deliberate. I have always been interested in facts that are inexplicable from the point of view of official science, I have been amazed and surprised by incredible coincidences, accidental meetings, unforeseen circumstances, incidents and changes in the lives of my relatives, friends and friends. "Any accident is just a part of an idea of a higher order," – this is a phrase by Terry Pratchett that still haunts me, even though I now know the answers to many of my questions. It so happened that my simple curiosity about the science of hand interpretation turned into a serious study of сhirology.

Today I am not only actively engaged in consulting people, but also in serious scientific studies in this field. I am convinced that the knowledge accumulated by many previous generations of сhirologists is of great value in determining a person's character, potential abilities and talents, true desires and needs, spheres and prospects for the development of his life way. I define the main purpose of my activity as the use of objective opportunities and the search for optimal solutions to apply hirology in modern conditions. To say in a more simple way, it is the adaptation of accumulated knowledge to modern realities and the desire to achieve the most positive results in the professional sphere. I would like to note that I am very happy to do my favorite business.

I came to hirology with a background in higher education that is, being familiar with the concept of "scientific work". Usually scientific study is done by people who are curious, passionate and have an all-consuming interest in the subject of study. In this case, as they move along the way of knowledge, their curiosity and acute desire to understand everything increase noticeably. Scientific activities contribute to the acquisition of new knowledge and increase the level of professional competence. While studying hirology, I constantly thought that I want to do not only practical consulting, but also serious scientific study that will help justify the conclusions of hirologists-practitioners. My decision to organize the hirology center was caused by the desire to actively contribute to the process of forming the scientific evidence base, which is required for the recognition of hirology as a scientific knowledge. My Center is aimed at attracting supporters of this idea to cooperation, ensuring their interaction and consolidating joint efforts. The status of an independent science or a separate scientific field will allow you to take a new look at the potential and possibilities of сhirology.

My choice of the vector for professional scientific development was determined by "four mainstays" - science, efficiency, business and people. They are the foundation and main spheres of the Center's activities, they form the basis for finding non-standard solutions in the potential analysis of individuals and businesses.

When managed to create my own сhirology center, I was able not only to conduct studies in this field, but also to apply their results in practice, in particular, to determine the features and characteristics of the individual required for successful business. The quintessence of hirology from the point of view of science and business is the possibility of combining and integrating the knowledge of hand interpretation used by hirologists with the methods of diagnostics of individual personality features recognized by the modern science. This knowledge, as well as the results of scientific studies, can be actively used by a person to create a holistic view of himself and applied in various spheres of society, including business.

I am always glad to welcome you in my Center, I am ready to accept new ideas and start cooperation!

With respect, Mayya Gordeeva, founder and manager of the project MAYYA GORDEEVA СHIROLOGY CENTER.

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