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Сhirology - scientific knowledge in proportion with the experience

MAYYA GORDEEVA СHIROLOGY CENTER welcomes everybody, who is interested in the following:

Designation and personal growth

  • Do you want to find your designation?
  • Do you try to increase your self-esteem and learn how to trust yourself?
  • Are you interested in question that your dream can become true?
  • Do you try to find the right way to your purpose?
  • Do you have any difficulties in finding a right solution?

Choice of professions, career. Individual peculiarities and potential of the personality as a business owner

  • Are you afraid of making a mistake when choosing profession and career?
  • Do you want to find a job that you like?
  • Do you want to become a business owner?
  • Do you try to increase your income?
  • Do you think of attracting clients?
  • Are you searching a profitable idea for your business?
  • Do you try to motivate yourself and anybody to achieve the result?
  • Are you trying to build relations with business partners?

Expanding the zone of psychological comfort

  • Do you intend to get joy from your work and life?
  • Are you ready to know why you have thrown up your hands, why you do not want anything and are fed up with it?
  • Do you want to turn your insolvable dilemma into a happy opportunity?
  • Have you lost your hope to become successful?
  • Do you have any problems with relations?
  • Are you in despair of building your personal happiness?
  • Do you have a dream of improving your relations in the family?
  • Do you want to start to understand your own child?
  • Have you decided to estimate capabilities and skills of your children in a right way?
  • Are you worried about your close people and relatives?
  • Are you worried about your health?
  • Are you interested in your own future?

MAYYA GORDEEVA СHIROLOGY CENTER offers you the following:

  • Individual consultationsfor the questions of personal growth, financial well-being, work, career, health, personal relations, family and children, and many other extremely important and significant aspects and factors, which form the concept of the psychological comfort and happy life.

The consultation of the hirologist will allow everybody to see one's problems on the outside. To find an optimal way of their solution and learn to live, love and work to one's own pleasure.

  • Business consultations– a detailed consideration of questions, related to the potential estimation of the business owner, services of management consulting, assistance for entrepreneurs in creating a simple, comfortable and transparent system of financial management

Businesspersons, merchants and business owners know it very well that opening and development of one's own business is a complex and multi-stage process. It requires that a human should be involved in the sphere of business communication and entrepreneurship to the maximum extent. It is at the stage of consideration of individual traits of character and potential capabilities of an entrepreneur-businessman that hirology with its arsenal of techniques and methods of hand study and analysis turns out to be really popular and useful.

Besides, the Center executes scientific studies in the field of hirology and conducts activities that contribute to the systematization of knowledge on hirology and activate the process of promoting hirology to the recognition of its status as an independent science or a separate scientific field. The purpose of interaction between hirologists-practitioners and study specialists within the framework of projects and programs implemented by the Center is to combine their efforts to identify, verify and justify the truth and reliability of the hirological conclusions. Organizing joint work of representatives of various trends and schools of the hirologist community, professional scientific development, popularization of the achievements of hirology, changing and preparing the public consciousness and the scientific community to implement the results of the development of hirologists – these are main tasks set for the Center today.

These are the main fields of the Center activity – science, efficiency, business and people. They are the foundation and basis for search of non-standard solutions in the potential analysis of individuals and businesses.

Mayya Gordeeva is a founder and director of the project MAYYA GORDEEVA СHIROLOGY CENTER. Professional hirologist, expert of the natural career guidance system for staff and managers of the small and medium-sized business in accordance with hand signs and lines. Ph.D. in economics, associate professor. Certified psychologist with diploma.


MAYYA GORDEEVA СHIROLOGY CENTER provides consultations on сhirology for both individuals and target groups representing the business sector – private businesses or government agencies.

The value of the product provided by the Center lies in its uniqueness and focus on meeting the individual demand and requests of private and public companies, institutions or business structures.

Questions, topics discussed and issues raised during the consultation usually differ in the degree of complexity and duration of the study, which directly affects the cost of services. In this regard, the Center has a flexible price system.


The hand is a contour map, and if you read it, you can learn a lot.

The сhirologist needs to perform a series of sequential actions so that the conclusions he obtains from the results of hand study are complete, detailed, and informative.

Fingers and mounds on hands determine the potential which has been laid down initially, and the lines on the palm show the degree of disclosure and use of available resources by a person, speak of character traits. The most important and most informative data is revealed by the hirologist in the course of a detailed analysis of the lines and signs on the palms. Based on the results obtained, he summarizes and adds up information about a person's character, past, present and future, and makes recommendations. These include recommendations that are required for opening and successfully running and developing of a business.

Mayya Gordeeva, the founder and head of the сhirology center, coordinates and directly manages all activities of the Center.



  • Responsible and attentive approach to requests of clients
  • High professional skills of specialists
  • Confidentiality and observance of the standards of conducts for hirologist worked out by the Center head
  • Utmost efficient strategic solutions



  • Consultations of professional сhirologist-expert
  • Detailed study of individual implemented scenarios under the circumstances offered
  • Answers to all questions related to the interpretation of hand signs and lines
  • Possibility to avoid risks of crisis situations or, at least, to adjust their consequences

You can always make your choice. Do not miss the opportunity to study reality, embedded in your hands, think and put this into practice!

Good luck!


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